Infobytes GIS
Your cloud based GIS Specialist

Why use Infobytes? We save you time and money by outsourcing your GIS services and by utilizing the cloud to store and share your GIS data. We use industry standard ArcGIS software for your GIS services and the Google Maps API to build custom online mapping applications.

Simple Pricing
We offer two service plans to save you money. You may pay  for one or the other or both. Payments are made on a  monthly or annual basis with a simple month-to-month contract.

Complete GIS Mapping Services
Database Design
Data Creation/Digitization
Data Hosting/Backup
Data Analysis
Drone Services Auditing Data

Custom Online Mapping Applications
Google Street View
Weather Conditions
Live Traffic
GIS data layers

Perspective is Powerful

Viewing problems from different perspectives can bring clarity. GIS data and analysis can rapidly help ascertain problems and patterns.   

GIS and Maps are powerful tools.

Everyone uses maps and GIS now. If you aren't already using these tools to communicate to your community and target audiences, it's time. Call us today.

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aerial photo of a hurricane, who knows where?
Such a cool photo, but a map is needed for context.
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Everyone Uses Maps
Everyone uses GIS and Maps
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Satellite Imagery
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Placeholder Picture
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Placeholder Picture
Save a Tree - Use InfoGIS
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Utah Roads
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